Wednesday, November 12, 2014

HTML Intro

Things I want To Learn-
  1. I want to learn more about how the beginning of a sentence effects the way it shows up in the paragraph. 
  2. Can this format be used to make things other than sentences?
  3. How has this affected typing?
Things I Leaned-
  1. I learned that the beginning code is held in < >s
  2. You type in the code and then press see results to see what you have done. 
Thing I'm Concerned About-
  1. Why can't you just type regular words in order to make a webpage, why does it have to be in HTML format? 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Another Students Code

For April's Binary Code she chose
$ to represent 0
% to represent 1

Is it bad? $%$$% %$$%%   $%$$% %$%$$   $$$%$ $$$$% $$%$$

Custom Binary Code

* Represents 0
$ Represents 1

A- 1, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-5, F-6, G-7, H-8, I-9, J-10, K-11, L-12, M-13, N-14, O-15, P-16, Q-17, R-18, S-19, T-20, U-21, V-22, W-23, X-24, Y-25, Z-26

How is it? *$*** *$$$$ $*$$$   *$**$ $**$$   *$**$ $*$**